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My Other Alumninum Sled

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:25 pm
by Chris Gatley
Yeah, my wife lets me have two - better not get divorced. I helped my friends fishing tv show yesterday named The Brownie Troop Fishing show.. he had the Philadelphia Inquirer folks out to cover his show and real job as hard core heavy metal rock star. He needed a camera boat so I helped. I took the newspaper folks through some boney water which was cool. The photographer took this shot after I dropped him off. I think its a cool picture, maybe becuase I love jet motors or maybe because BRP screwed me royally and this is a great shot of a Mercury! Probably the second of the two. anyway, my friend is airing this show on the internet now but it will be launched on Comcast in Berkley california next week. He is talking with MTV too. If that happens, you will see a Black Lab Boat all over it with me at the wheel.

Dam, file is too big. go to my site and see it.

Re: My Other Alumninum Sled

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:05 pm
by spoiled one
I have yet to personally see a Black Lab or Pacific up here in AK. I know there are a few around, but they have eluded me. Your jet sled on the other hand, is very common. They sure can go in the skinny stuff. I like your combo.