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Another new one....

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:11 pm
Was at the bait shop on Saturday. I was standing in the bait room while my 'river crickets' aka: Shrimp, were being dipped out of the tanks.

And a guy comes in and says;

"my buddy and I were talking about your boat the other day when we saw ya'"

"Wonderful"...I replied. Knowing all too well this was gonna turn into a show and tell of ignorance.

And I was dead on.

He says, "I told my buddy, ya just don't see many of the west coast boats here on the east coast very often, and then here ya are, right in Jacksonville with one...."

"West Coast Boat????" I questioned.

"Yeah, ya know....blablabla", he went on about Alaska and California and such...and what he saw on TV."

I walked out with my 10 dozen live shrimp and said, "keep watching TV, ya have alot more to learn, about these boats."

Re: Another new one....

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:58 pm
by welder
or ya could have said " Check out AAB and you can see a bunch of ALLOY from all over the world .

Maybe we would have a new ALLOY boat owner one day ???????

We can't sell'em if we don't talk to'em :wink:

Re: Another new one....

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:00 am
Believe me, This guy wasn't buying a boat.

He and his cohort, already butted in line in front of me. Which wasn't our bait shop "S.O.P" or an admirable trait at 0600 hrs in the morning, so I wasn't my usual Mr. Happy.

Re: Another new one....

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:20 am
by AlloyToy
Capt. Dave do you pretty much buy all your bait? When we were in the keys fishing the first thing we did before heading out was "make bait" Than had pens stashed all over the gulf. It was amazing how much bait they had in these pens..........

Re: Another new one....

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:46 pm
Remember this...the Gulf of Mexico is like another world compared to the Atlantic.
And south Florida is a different world than N. Florida.

So with that said.

Yes, I buy upwards of "thousands" of live shrimp per month. No, it's not easier or cheaper to catch my own....everyone asks if I catch them myself.

Nuke, your right....I'm really confused. But thats okay.

If they are around, I do catch some shrimp, mullet, threadfin Herring, Pogies....southern Bunker, Croakers.

But mostly I use live shrimp and cut/or live "fish" bait.

I Inshore fish, for inshore species...not offshore, very much. Can't make a living doing that.