The FINEST aluminum fishing boat on the planet!

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The FINEST aluminum fishing boat on the planet!


Post by boray »

This morning while enjoying a big bowl of Sugar Frosted Chocolate Sugar Flakes, I'm looking across the Bay watching the birds and the boat traffic when I detect something out of place. There's a large Sportfisherman docked across the bay at a fuel dock. Not that that's so unusual but the scale of this thing was totally out of proportion compared to the other boats and considering the distance it was away. It's about 3/4 mile from the end of my pier to the other side of the Bay and it was obvious this thing was HUGE! I grabbed my binoculars and confirmed my suspicions; the Mary P is back in town. She's the second largest Sportfisherman in the world at 122', and was built by Trinity Yachts based in Gulfport, Mississippi. She was actually built at Trinity's New Orleans yard and launched in 2008. She's owned by a Louisiana oilman, Daryl Pennington, which is a good thing since she uses a whole lot of what he sells. I read that she holds 7000 gallons of fuel so you could buy a nice boat for $30,000 OR top off the Mary P ONCE for the same cash! So when you want to go fishing and do it right, and by right I don't mean imported beer and topless deckhands, it'd be hard to beat this rig. If anybody wants to go slumming the old NON ALLOY Mary P is for sale in Mobile, Alabama. It's just a dinky plastic 87 footer for the paltry sum of 3.5 million, if you can live with someone else's hand me downs!

Nursing at the fuel dock...Suck, Suck, Suck.

Interstellar communications...RADARs, GPS, VHS, Satellite Dishes, etc., etc... I heard that at night they move the Mars rover around just to mess with NASA.

Like Jimmy Carter, I have lust in my heart. I must go repent!
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Re: The FINEST aluminum fishing boat on the planet!



Like Disney World, a GREAT PLACE TO VISIT.

But really, who could live there.
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