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Our Friend Jay Perotta

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:59 pm
by Occams Razor
Hi All !

Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer !

Just thought I would ask , I recieved a e-mail from Jay that he was leaving Rocksalt Boats . Anyone know if Jay sold out

or just decided to focus on Pacific ?

Re: Our Friend Jay Perrotta

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:34 pm
by Jay Perrotta
Christ !

I saw the heading and it looks like I died! Dearly beloved.....

After something like 13 years I made the decision to exit the boat business. Headwinds were just too strong for too long.

The folks in Texas are continuing with Rock Salt and Black Lab while Julie and Dan are doing well at Pacific. They are all quality people and I wish them all success and happiness.

Still happy to help anyone with questions about any of those boats as well as giving my 2 cents on anything else...

Best part of the boat business was always the customers and in our little niche of alloy boat users and fans we have the absolute best. Serious users, gentlemen, good mariners, good family men.....good men.

Re: Our Friend Jay Perotta

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:54 pm
by Occams Razor
Jay :

Thank god that was the reason ! I thought something else had caused a major sudden change. I hear ya about headwinds !

Just seems to be hard everywhere and that is the truth ! Good to hear you are just moving on my friend and I hope you have

more time to enjoy the water and your family :thumbsup:

Re: Our Friend Jay Perotta

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:08 pm
by Illgotoo
All the luck in your new pursuits, Jay. Your detailed explanations of aluminum hull design and building techniques were a great benefit to me. Learned a lot by it. It was much appreciated.

Re: Our Friend Jay Perotta

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:21 am

Your right......."the world famous American, head winds", I'm fighting them every single day. You saw my little burg here, far from the visitor destination of a life time.

I'm sort of happy to hear from ya, jus wish it was in a different way.

Your knowledge will still be helpful to us all here. So don't be a stranger.