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Mother's Day outing.......5/13

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:02 am
5/13 - Mother's Day Fishing Trip

Only if the weather is good, do I take my Mom out on Mother's Day. Yeah, she goes once a year. But not every year.

We've had great days, and not so great days. She's caught 35 pound Redbass, and she's caught a box full of Flounder, and one year it was just a bunch of Ladyfish. That still think are her favorites. Last year, the jetties were nice and calm and she caught one 5 pound Jack Cravelle, a Ladyfish, and a 27" Redbass. And she was done and ready for lunch, after that.

This year, it was over-cast and windy. I knew that going in. But I didn't say much about the weather because I just wanted to get her out there. Dad comes along too....."he's camera man."

Yesterday, I made sure she'd want to be on the boat for awhile. So I went and had two Publix sub's made and had plenty of refreshments in the cooler.

I went out earlier, and fished for about an hour or so before picking her and dad up at the boat ramp. I wanted to try a project I have been working on. Using essentially a large 9" rubber worm as a over-sized "jerk bait". The difference though is in how it's rigged, and it has a flapping tail.

So I went right across from the boat ramp, because I couldn't go far. And started tossing this 9" bait along the bank and some submerged rock. The wind was a problem, coming from the east. But I did do just what I wanted. Which was to catch the attention of something with this lure.

It WORKED perfectly as I felt a thump, thump, and then a hang...I pulled back and right away I could tell this wasn't a Trout or Redfish. And then netted this nice 4 pound Flounder. I took this picture, so you could see the "jerk-bait", against the fish.

Then, Mom calls and they are at the dock. So I went over and picked them up. Showed Mom what I had caught and she wanted to "show it off" for me.

We then headed as far away as we could from the E.S.E. winds, because "it was gonna get worse, no doubt as the day went on".

So we went for a decent ride down river. It was the last few hours of the falling tide. Spot #1 should have produced some nice trout, but it didn't, just a small 13 incher. Spot #2 which back when we had rains, storms, tropical depressions produced the most 5 pound Trout I've ever caught......"but we couldn't loose a shrimp, this morning".

Yes, it's almost a good thing. Mom and Dad got to see what I have to go through to get quality bites this time of year, and how the "winds of change", can screw everything up!

By spot #3, the wind was honking pretty damn good. We fished a shallow rock pile. Letting the float-rig be carried along with the tide and passing the rocks. That's when Mom's float started going down......but it was hard to keep the slack in the line from making a big belly, so when you get bit, ya better reel like crazy to tighten up!

After a few adjustments and bait stealers, Mom finally started getting bit by quality Trout.

It was quite weird, not a single Ladyfish..."mom's favorite" at any spot we tried. Yeah, they aren't "box-fish", but at the same time, if you're catching Ladies, you're at least in "trout water".

The wind started to howl....gusting 20 kts at least. The boat would whip one way, while the current was going the opposite. Which was mighty frustrating, as we knew the Trout were back there behind the boat.

I attempted to try two more spots. But it was just getting a bit fultile at this point. So we headed back and I cleaned up the fish, fed my bird buddies, and was home by 1pm.

I'm glad we went no matter what the forecast was. So Mom could see that it's not always easy out there on the water. And by the time the tide had turned in Mayport, I'm sure glad we didn't attempt going to the inlet. The wind against the tide just in the river was making it pretty nasty.

Re: Mother's Day outing.......5/13

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 12:36 pm
by welder
Great post Jetty and nice to see your mom on the water.

Hey , are you adopted?

Re: Mother's Day outing.......5/13

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:57 pm
by Sabs28
VERY NICE Mothers day present Dave. :thumbsup: And another GREAT Post. :highfive: Even on Mothers Day you STILL get to go fishing.

Re: Mother's Day outing.......5/13

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 6:34 pm
Of course SABS, it's what I do.

No 'W', I ain't adopted. But sometimes I think I am.

Because no one but me in the family has the urge to make no money, spend alot on tackle, have no chillrenz, and wants to move to Louisiana so to die someday with dead trout laying around me.

Re: Mother's Day outing.......5/13

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:17 am
by AlloyToy
Moms whom love the basics......ocean, fishing, outdoors ROCK!! Well done son :thumbsup: