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Using "On Off" on a alloy hull

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:46 pm
by v26wa
Well I'm well behind in putting the boat in the water. I was layed up in bed with the flu for 2 days & didnt splash her. I hope to this week. I keep thinking of bottom groath on an unpainted hull. I have used on/off on my NON ALLOY hulls & also on a RIB that i left in the water too long. The stuff works awesome ! Just spray on , wait a min or 2 , & the groath "falls" right off. Is it ok on alloy ? Instructions dont mention it ? What do ya think ? Btw here is a link for anyone not familiar with the product ... o?pid=2339

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:44 am
by Chaps
might get some discoloration but . . . we're talking thick metal here. These hulls can be sandblasted, whats a little on-off?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:21 am
by skfmj
I am not an expert here, and only know enough to be dangerous. But I assume that your hull being a Pacific has a Nyalic coating on the bottom (see This coating resists marine growth. What that practically means, you will find out and you can tell me. As far as On/OFF is concerned, with that stuff you will be acid washing your hull. Looking at the MSDS the stuff contains hydrochloric, phosphoric and oxalic acid, up to 40% by weight, this is pretty strong stuff. You may want to dilute it, but it depends upon how stubborn the stains/oxidation. Alternatively there is a hull wash formulated for aluminum pontoon boats and alloy hulls which is more dilute, No oxalic acid and only about 15% acid by weight. Here is the link. ... o?pid=8088

BTW if you dilute the on/off add it to a volume of water rather than adding water to it.

So if you expose the surface of the aluminum by wearing off the Nyalic you will form an oxide layer. Remember acid washing will remove the protective oxide layer so you may consider re-coating the bottom or touching up areas where you have exposed the aluminum after you acid wash.

Just my 2c


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:43 pm
Here's my rule.......if it's for a "plastic boat", I don't need it on my Alloy boat.

Kinda like an Apple Pie made with oranges....yuk! :?