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Not been on much latley

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:39 pm
by welder
Sorry yall, I have not been giving AAB my full attention due to worrying/taking care of Mrs Welder [Claudia] the last 3 weeks have been "Code No Joy" at our house.
Claudia takes very good care of herself [ unlike me ] and read the warning signs early , first sign of blood and tummy pain, and made ANOTHER appt. for a Colonoscopy [spl] and sure enough there was a large polyp up where the large intestine meets the small intestine and that doctor did not want to try and remove it as the Appendix was right on the other side of the colon wall and if he hit it she could bleed out right there on the table.
So to be safe he had her make another appt with another surgeon to do a "Section" whice means... cut a chunk of colon out, about 8", and of course it's where the large and small come together [ Oh What FUN]
Doc #1 said the large polyp looked good and only about 25% chance of being cancerous, well, doc #2 went ahead and did the surgery as if it was so he would not have to go back and wack it again. He also took the appendix.
The news finally came to us this AM that Claudia is cancer free now and we're on the road to recovery. She will be off work for at least 2 weeks and if it all heals fine it's life as normal.

The reason I'm telling yall what has happened in our life is that I/we do CARE about everyone here and having a simple 10 minute procedure can save you or your wifes LIFE , yeah drinking the crud sucs but dieing is worse.
Claudia had the procedure done NINE years ago and was CLEAN, she was told to come back in 10 years for another check up, ya see where I'm going here people. IF she would have waited another year I might be single. After 35 years with her, I think I'll keep her if you don't mind.

And yes I have done it twice and am going again in 11 months , I'm on the 2 year plan and that's another story.

I'm just HAPPY I still have my wife, THANK YOU Lord.

P.S. IF any of you are afraid of getting checked you are welcome to call us and ask what's involved with the procedure, it's so easy a caveman can do it!

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:23 pm
by Sabs28
Great to hear Claudia is OK :thumbsup: Sometimes the wake-up call is a REAL :nutkick:

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:25 pm
by Chaps
Wow, scary but looks like the outcome is the best one could hope for. I had the blood showing and a lot of lower abdominal pain about 20 years ago so have first hand knowledge that the whole deal is zero fun. I just had an abscess in my lower and a bunch of areas that looked like they could go that way so after removing an 18" section of the big intestine I was good to go, well after about 4 days of intense pain I was good to go . . . :nutkick:

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:37 pm
by welder
Thanks Guys, we're home now and she looks like she just gave birth again but doing better by the day [surgery was Thursday] she can get up and take care of her self but moves a little slow.

Hardly any pain meds, Claudia is a trooper.

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:28 am
by dawgaholic
May God Bless Y'all Welder and Godspeed to your Wife's complete recovery.

When we reach that sixty mark, those often bothersome and uncomfortable tests once a Year are invaluable for giving us some extra time alive, as I know all too well. The members are holding the fort, you take care of your Love! :thumbsup:

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:44 pm
by spoiled one
I am glad she is doing well. Things like this sure put things in perspective, eh? Give her a big hug from the four of us. :highfive:

On a positive note, Big "T" turned another year older today and it is snowing! WTH? :nutkick: I still have another boat trip planned. :hammer:

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:05 pm
by welder
Thanks Pete, will do, Tell Big T happy birthday for us.

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:04 pm
by Lucky Louie
WOW! That kind of thing will scare the bejeebies out of ya. Glad Clauda is doing better. (And you are waiting on her hand and foot :mrgreen: ) Hope she has a speedy recovery.

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:22 pm
by goatram
Glad it turned out for the Better. Now for my Wife's Turn. I did mine 2 years ago and was told I was a ten year Member Sweet. The Stuff Tastes like Goat Vomit. :deadhorse:

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:07 am
by Chaps
goatram wrote:Glad it turned out for the Better. Now for my Wife's Turn. I did mine 2 years ago and was told I was a ten year Member Sweet. The Stuff Tastes like Goat Vomit. :deadhorse:
and you of all people would know what that tastes like!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:47 pm
by goatram
yup :popcorn:

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:26 pm
by JETTYWOLF month, I'm a crud drinker and non-fisher for 3 days.

But I will reschedule if $500 dangles in front of me before then.

I can do that.

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:09 pm
by pjay9
This is good news that everything was successful and the healing is coming along...she may be a trooper but don't let her overextend herself...I sure am glad cause I want to come visit you guys again. Marcie goes for knee replacement next Monday...the clean out micro surg worked for about 3 years.

We have you both in our thoughts and take care of the sweet gal of yours, ya hear! PJ

Re: Not been on much latley

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:29 am
by welder
Thanks PJ, our thoughts and prayers are with you and Marcie. Hope Marcie heals and feels better quick.
Claudia looks MUCH better today but still moving a little slow. I over heard her telling a Friend that a "C-section has NOTHING on this" Claudia has had both now.