Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat

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Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by SNOOT »

I had time to stop in and visit today. I worked for Northwind Marine years ago and they have been a good customer of mine since I left 14 years ago. Today I was able to take pictures of two of there boats they are working on now in the shop. Several others they wouldnt let me take pictures of but I am working on that.

This is a 40' Police boat they are building for the Israeli's to partol open water ways. It has twin diesel Volvo's with Hamilton jets. It will have foam collars. As things progress I will get additional photos and information for you all.

If you have additional questions post up and I will get answers.








Last edited by SNOOT on Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by trouty »

Better tell em to hurry up n get it finished.


I hear tell there's another 'aid convoy' headed to gaza with innocent wimmins and kids to massacre - them Israelis will be needing that boat no doubt sooner than later.

Yeah I know - that's only the "politics of it" - and it's just paying work for honest hard working Americans. But the REAL facts are that those Israelis are "paying" for the boat with funds given to them by your govt from your taxes - ergo the boats being built - to be used to massacre un armed innocents on foreign flagged ships in international waters - i.e a war crime / act of war (Regardless how people would prefer to ignore the facts and look the other way!).

I'm sorry to have to be the one to point this out - I find that images of dead innocent women and kids, makes me tend to do politically incorrect things like point out such unpalateable truths. ... -ship.html

Maybe watch the vid before condemning me for standing up for innocent women and kids!

Silence is a tacit approval of what has happened and no doubt will continue to happen.

Maybe if more people stood up for whats morally right, and denied the Isreali's access to such weaponry, because they have proven they can't be trusted to abide by international laws designed to protect innocents - then they would think twice before they used such craft to help massacred any more innocents next time?.

I guess all those workers will sleep tight at night knowing that their work enabled such atrocities to be perpetrated against innocents?.

What about when it's their turn and their wimmin and kids are being massacred - will we be expected to come to their rescue?

Hows it go - live bye the sword die by the sword?

The workers could always make a political statement and refuse to build it for them!.

Wheres the morals and ethics?

Sad that I'm the only one who apparently sees whats wrong here!

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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by nabeelah »

Well said Trouty-I salute you for your bold & truthful comments!! I fully agree hands down!!
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by trouty »

I have a bad habit of calling it like I see it when issues of life and death are involved Nabeela.

It gets me banned a LOT (Probably this will make the 2nd forum today!)

I don't know what makes me do it.

I'd much prefer not too have too!

I would not like My God to think, I didn't speak up against murder, oppression and tyranny, in this world, come judgment day!

I'm more scared of his wrath on that day than i am of being banned from some forum of the internet.

I happen to love discussing the relative merits of alloy boats, but I draw the line at Israeli police / military vessels used in the way that Israel uses them.

IF the USA - was serious about punishing and condemning the Israelis for their recent illegal war crime actions in international waters - they would do a series of things publicly.

1. withold the $ funding they provide to their pit bull in the middle east.
2. Pay the builders out for that craft and keep it in the USA, to use against the oil spill in the gulf and terrorists at home.

With no penalties against them for what they did - how would they be expected to learn anything from their mistake and not repeat it?

By funding & arming the war crime the word recently witnessed - and then not condemning it and taking any actions against the perpetrators - the USA becomes culpable as accessories after the fact to the crime.

That's just not acceptable and I cannot in all conscience ignore it and hold my tongue - even when common sense should dictate that things would be far easier all round if I did do so.

Sorry that I am not politically correct about such issues.
Maybe one day i will learn (but I doubt it). I don't deliberately set out looking for trouble on the internet - I came here to do something I enjoy in posting with others who have an interest in boats - about boats, but trouble sure seems to find me easy enough - even in such an innocuous place as this! :hammer:

By all means ban me for it, forum admins - I expect as much - just accept my sincere apology for it, before you do is all. Its something I don't seem to be able to control. I value truth more than acceptance and therein lies the rub.

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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by SNOOT »

Its a message board I understand your posting. I didnt want to hide anything in my post I just want to show a new build.
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' police boat


Post by trouty »

I appreciate that Snoot - I didn't want to direct my comments at you or the boat builders either for that matter.

I really appreciate that you took the trouble to take the pics and share them with us - coz I love new alloy boat porn as much (probably more) than the next guy.

Please don't take my points as any criticism of you or the builders of the boat.

My beefs with the State of Israel and what they did recently on the open seas. To me as a ships master - piracy on the high seas in international waters, or war crimes, acts of war etc - are an important & serious matter. Once we lose that tenet in international waters no vessel is safe to sail anywhere.

That's all i was really sounding off at.

It's a shame that I felt the need really...the whole thing did make me pretty angry and I felt a need to state my views publicly was all.

Thanks to all for the "tolerance" that we seem to share here so far.

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Re: Northwind Marine 40' police boat


Post by SNOOT »

I agree and I plan to make further visits and will further confirm this vessels use for you. I have changed the title till I can confirm its final destination.
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat



trouty wrote:I have a bad habit of calling it like I see it when issues of life and death are involved Nabeela.

It gets me banned a LOT (Probably this will make the 2nd forum today!)

I don't know what makes me do it.

I'd much prefer not too have too!

I would not like My God to think, I didn't speak up against murder, oppression and tyranny, in this world, come judgment day!

I'm more scared of his wrath on that day than i am of being banned from some forum of the internet.

I happen to love discussing the relative merits of alloy boats, but I draw the line at Israeli police / military vessels used in the way that Israel uses them.

IF the USA - was serious about punishing and condemning the Israelis for their recent illegal war crime actions in international waters - they would do a series of things publicly.

1. withold the $ funding they provide to their pit bull in the middle east.
2. Pay the builders out for that craft and keep it in the USA, to use against the oil spill in the gulf and terrorists at home.

With no penalties against them for what they did - how would they be expected to learn anything from their mistake and not repeat it?

By funding & arming the war crime the word recently witnessed - and then not condemning it and taking any actions against the perpetrators - the USA becomes culpable as accessories after the fact to the crime.

That's just not acceptable and I cannot in all conscience ignore it and hold my tongue - even when common sense should dictate that things would be far easier all round if I did do so.

Sorry that I am not politically correct about such issues.
Maybe one day i will learn (but I doubt it). I don't deliberately set out looking for trouble on the internet - I came here to do something I enjoy in posting with others who have an interest in boats - about boats, but trouble sure seems to find me easy enough - even in such an innocuous place as this! :hammer:

By all means ban me for it, forum admins - I expect as much - just accept my sincere apology for it, before you do is all. Its something I don't seem to be able to control. I value truth more than acceptance and therein lies the rub.


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Re: Northwind Marine 40' police boat


Post by 21ftcc »


There's life outside of AAB?? I think I need to kick the diet coke and pop corn diet.
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' police boat


Post by welder »

I want to see more pictures of the boat build.
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' police boat


Post by peterbo3 »

If you really believe that the IDF hot roped a bunch of SF killers onto that ship to deliberately slaughter people then you are dreaming.
Sure, there were fatalities. The IDF caused them. The IDF appear to have over reacted or tried to do the job with too few troops or had poor Int on the likely reaction of the crew/pasengers. You can argue about the legalities forever. Israel has made it quite clear that they take no Doo-doo from anyone in the neighbourhood.
The crew of the ship were warned that Israel would not let it dock & unload in Gaza.
Now, you want to talk about "massacres", you need to take a look at a dictionary. If the IDF wanted to kill a bunch of people they would have started with snipers in the helos. Six SF shooters with 50 cal sniper rifles would have killed every living thing in the wheelhouse & on the deck in minutes. The SF guys that came down the ropes were not shooting. They were not even equipped for a major assault & did not use tear gas or flash grenades. The firing started after the melee on deck.
I am thinking an operation designed to take control of the vessel going sour. Commonly called a goat f#*k or in a worst case, cluster f#*k in the military.

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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by trouty »

I am thinking an operation designed to take control of the vessel going sour.
Pete in Israeli waters - you'd be right.

Unfortunately in international waters, it's an act of war, or at best piracy, not unlike the Somalia pirates.

IMHO it should be dealt with by the navies of other international nations the same way the Somalian pirates are dealt with.

There's a broader "issue" at stake here - condone this and NON of us (who are masters of vessels for international waters) can do our jobs in safety for our crews.

Israeli's massacre people in an ethnic cleansing of Palestine every day for YEARS - and the international community haven't the balls to do anything about it - allow them to do it at sea and soon it will be "no problem if Israel wants to take out a whole passenger jet full of innocents just to get one Arab on their hit list" - what YOU seemingly fail to understand apparently is that to them we are just 'goy' and under their religious value system, we are just the infidel - entirely 'expendable' under their value system.

If the international community doesn't haul Israel back into line over this, then non of us (that includes you, me and our kids etc) will never be safe in international waters again.

A principle is at stake here...that of the maritime rules of international waters.

You seem to fail to grasp the seriousness and consequences of that.

Let me put it in terms you MIGHT understand - say Australia who relies upon its exports by SHIP of iron ore, LNG, Bauxite, Wheat, etc etc etc for our collective welfare, suddenly couldn't find ANYONE to sail those ships in international waters because Israeli subs might decide to sink any ship with all hands anywhere in the world they please with impunity.....we would soon be on our scuppers in this country and likely you'd be the one whining loudest.

The principle needs to be kept secure for the safety and well being of ALL nations - we do so with the Somali's and their pirating, and if Israel can't obey the international laws she should be treated no different.

What she does in her own waters, I couldn't give a round rats touche - that's her business.

International waters is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

If it was the sand arabs and camel jockeys doing the same, you'd likely be the first one calling to turn their country into a glass bowl parking lot that glows in the dark.

Everyone's too scared to criticize Israel for fear of being labeled 'anti semitic' which is ALWAYS their defense when called, on their questionable behavior.

Would you be defending them if it was YOUR Aussie passports they had stolen to use in the recent assassination event in the middle east?...even OUR govt called them to book and expelled their diplomats in response for that becauise like this massacre incident - it crossed the line.

Go soft on them and give them an inch they will take a mile.

I just call it as I see it.

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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by SNOOT »

Final details being done..

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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by mojomizer »

Thank you Snoot, Very interesting pictures. I really have not seen all the inner workings of the Hamilton jets. Nice looking ride too.

Trouty if you need to voice your opinion about the state of the world. Please start another thread. Most of us here are pretty up to date on world affairs and have our opinions. Please refrain from any incendiary words that could be construed as derogatory no matter what the intent was. Lets keep AluminumAlloyBoats.Com a special place for us all to visit. I myself enjoy just seeing boat builds and discussing their seaworthy merits.

Snoot more Pictures Please :mrgreen:

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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by SNOOT »

The vessel has had its first sea trials word is that fully fueled it did 36knots. They are putting the final touches on the vessel now. The customer is making several changes to meet his needs so atleast one more trip will be needed before its ready for delivery. I saw them coming up river last week so I knew they had be testing things out.

The NOAA boat they were building has left before I could get finished photos :(

I am on vacation so I should be able to stop in and get more photos and details. There is a bunch of guys working on it still so getting good photos is kinda hard I dont like to get in the way.
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by waterdog247 »

mojomizer wrote:Thank you Snoot, Very interesting pictures. I really have not seen all the inner workings of the Hamilton jets. Nice looking ride too.

Trouty if you need to voice your opinion about the state of the world. Please start another thread. Most of us here are pretty up to date on world affairs and have our opinions. Please refrain from any incendiary words that could be construed as derogatory no matter what the intent was. Lets keep AluminumAlloyBoats.Com a special place for us all to visit. I myself enjoy just seeing boat builds and discussing their seaworthy merits.

Snoot more Pictures Please :mrgreen:

2325 Wa Pacificskiff
x1 :thumbsup:

well said mojo!
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by ruggit »

Very well put Mojomizer.

Very sweet boat. How does the fuel burn and performance of the jets compare to inboards or I/O's. Are there any hard figures?
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by nabeelah »

Any more pics,fuel figures etc??
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Re: Northwind Marine 40' Israeli police boat


Post by SNOOT »

Sorry no more information about these boats after I posted this thread. I do know that there is a second boat being built right now.

If your local I am sure you can arrange a visit to see all the boats they are working on.
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